Our location
Aschieri - De Pietri srl
via Marsala, 15
26041 Fossacaprara (CR), Italy
Tel +39 0375 42541
Fax +39 0375 200618
C.F.-P.IVA-N.Iscrizione Reg.imprese CR=IT00194220190
CCIA n.94315 - TRIB.CR.REG.SOC.N.5900
Cap.Soc. 43.382,38 € i.v.
Driving directions:
As you exit Parma tollway (do not turn off at “Parma ovest”), enter the roundabout then keep following signs to Colorno/Casalmaggiore. As you reach Casalmaggiore sul Po bridge, at the roundabout follow signs to Vicomoscano (first on the right) then enter the village. Further reference and useful landmarks: you'll have the parish Church on your left and a bar on your right, after only a few meters, turn right and follows signs to Fossacaprara. Keep driving along that road, down that road, on your left you'll find our premises' lot and company warehouse.
Satellite coordinates:
+44° 57' 17.74", +10° 26' 57.02"